Sunday, 13 November 2011

10 facts about me (1.)

Welcome faithful bloggers, it's time to do somethin usual cuz i want y'all to know some stuff bout me and i'll be brief because of time.
1. I HATE BOILED FISH: yuck!. I can't stand the taste, smell or sight of boiled fish. It irks me out and causes some "don't want to be told" syndroms in my system. Some folks say it's more nutritious than fried fish, but i'm bold to say to you today *yellin* "FISH IS FISH". It also means i cant eat sushi cuz sushi is made of raw fish in japan.
2. I LOVE ATTENTION: hehehe, now those of you that know me personally know this. I'm a crazy attention lover but that doesn't mean if i don't get attention, i'll begin to cry o, it's just part of me and i also think it's common for those born in the month of may or june
3. I LOVE SHOES: if it's possible for me to buy shoes everyday, i'll be doin that. I have a passion for shoes that no man can quench *grins*.
4. I HATE BREAD: i once heard a guy say he can't do without eatin bread in a day but that doesn't apply to me. I can stay a millenium without bread. The reason i can say i hate bread is this *clears throat*, when i was in secondary school, (i attended a boardin school), we were served bread every morning, and then you'll see some guys open their bread from the centre and pour stew inside the bread and put butter inside it also, *gross*, @spazzmodic can testify to that, so that's basically why i said i hate bread
5. WHEN I SAY I LUV SOMEONE, I MEAN IT: oh yeah, this applies to the ladies, cuz i can't say i "luv" a guy, some guys do some horrible stuff like tryin to test out different girls then pick the "mugu" out of them. Well, i wont blame nobody but the girls have to be careful. But when i have the nerves or "liver", to say to a girl "i luv u", know i really mean it. Now there are girls who because they've been blinded by luv, are headed towards the canal because they ditch their right friends. *sighs* o ma se o. Nemesis is real o.
I'll continue the concluding part of this article tomorrow, so watch out for the concludin part of 10 facts about me. Adios mes amies.